Audio File
Patient age
54 years
Patient gender
Male to Female
Prior voice surgery
Year of surgery
Follow up
37 months
Dr. Thomas' comments

Before Feminization Laryngoplasty, she worked on her voice for about 3-4 years with a voice therapist specializing in transgender voice. She felt that she still could not accomplish a female voice and was almost always called "sir" on the phone. While she had a previous Tracheal shave before the feminization laryngoplasty, she had no complications with her voice at that time.

She came back for a follow-up at 3 years after her surgery to have a laser tuneup, the results of which are still pending and we were able to do a long-term follow-up recording.

Patient's comments

"it (feminization laryngoplasty) was the most important part of my gender reassignment surgeries. It helped me to be able to laugh. It was really spectacular and lifted a weight off of me. I'm perceived as a female about 95% of the time on the radio or phone."